Taking the guesswork out of Influencer Marketing

The rise of social media has led to a new, highly-effective form of advertising – influencer marketing.  But how do you find the right influencer for your brand?

Driven by the desire to cull media wastage and put an end to irritating, irrelevant ads, Joel Davis spent three years researching how to harness the potential of AI to intelligently segment what consumers are truly interested in based on their purchasing intent. Davis believes that thanks to AI we are now finally poised to tap into the largest crowd-sourcing of human opinion in history.

Ever since the advent of social media, the way marketers operate has been profoundly transformed and continues to be so, and there is one key facet of social media I have become particularly interested in diving into of late, and that is the elusive influencer.

There is no doubt that, for brands, influencers have become key to building vital awareness and credibility. Earned media (content that has been gained organically and has generally been created by influencers) has rapidly risen to become one of the most powerful tools a marketer has.

Done well, influencer marketing quickly builds trust and enriches your content strategy, effectively reaching your target audience and driving engagement and sales.

Read more here – https://fleximize.com/articles/012999/influencer-marketing-artificial-intelligence


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